
May 24, 2024
I am hoping that most of you, if not all of you, received the news about Rev. Mariah Newell accepting a call to serve as Minister to Children and Families at University Christian Church in Fort Worth. It is the church on the campus of TCU and one of the great churches in our denomination. We all know that they will be immensely blessed to have Mariah on their staff. In the weeks ahead, we will be working hard in our discernment of what comes next for Cypress Creek Christian Church, especially since we are a church that is growing with youth and children. This is essential to our work of Putting Love First In All Things. Throughout my ministry, when a beloved staff member is called to a new church or retired, I have witnessed great gnashing of teeth and doomsday talk. Now I will confess that Mariah has been an amazing gift to the mission of CCCC, but my faith tells me that God is already at work making us ready for the next step. Any transition is hard, and in youth and children’s ministry, it is especially hard on the kids. So I invite you to be mindful and prayerful for them at this time. When Jesus told his disciples that they should allow the children to come to him, we often forget that they were already close by. Parents wanted to bring their children to Jesus, yet the disciples were hindering that connection. In our case, we need to make sure that we are continuing to offer an expression of the Gospel that draws families, and then the specific programming for youth and children needs to remove any barriers that might hinder their welcome and affirmation. I believe we have done that, and we will continue to do that.

For all the emotion that comes at a time of change, we pray for your Spirit of Grace to provide us with peace, encouragement, and hope. Bless all the ministries of Cypress Creek Christian Church, but this day, Lord God, we pray specifically for our youth and children and for all the ways they are affirmed in your love. Amen.

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